Diversity of Interests



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Emily ’18


What is really unique to University High School students is our diversity, not just in ethnicity and middle schools but also in interests. I remember as a 9th grader thinking math and science were my favorite subjects, even though I still enjoy them, now I really love all my classes. Throughout all four years at University, students are given a chance to chose different courses and find what truly interests them. For instance I had taken Spanish all three years of middle school but decided I wanted to learn French. Now I am in French III and can speak it fluently. In freshmen and sophomore year we are given a several mandatory classes to give us a basis of understanding and instruction that would help us succeed in later years. As an underclassman I took Latin American, Middle Eastern, and Western Civilization History, which helped develop my interest in American foreign policy. Now that I am an upperclassman I look forward to taking classes that pertain to this topic, like Modern Middle East and Peace and Conflict Studies. For sciences I took Chemistry and Biology with Molecular Emphasis, finding my interest in biomedical sciences. As an upperclassman I can take more specific classes that delve into my area of interest. This semester I am taking Physiology and look forward to taking Microbiology and Molecular Biology.

The plethora of classes University offers has no limit. Students who are interested in a subject that is not offered can create their own syllabus with a sponsored teacher in an Independent Study. Many students at University will take an Independent Study, this semester over 60 students are participating in one. This semester I wanted to learn more about scientific research, so I designed an Independent Study about scientific writing and clinical statistics where I gather data from a private office and write a scientific article on the success rate of a surgical procedure.

Outside the classroom, clubs help us grow and follow our passions. It is incredible that a school of 410 students has over 40 student led clubs, whether it is an activity, issues or identity club. An activity club is where students come together to have a good time and create something. For instance as a result of my English teachers at University I love writing, so now I am an editor and writer for the current events section in the school newspaper. I think learning more about one’s identity is extremely valuable, so as a Middle Eastern student I created a Middle Eastern Students Club.

I am grateful that at University I can pursue my interests in and out of the classroom. Here at University High School we challenge ourselves to learn more and discover our passions.


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